Building Intercultural Dialogue. Combatting the stigmatization of migrants and minority groups.

(SPANISH & ENGLISH report) Parte de la narrativa migratoria tiene su origen en el 11S. A raíz de este evento se crea una narrativa de securitización que genera miedo en los ciudadanos y que propone como solución principal controlar y limitar los movimientos de personas en el mundo. Esta narrativa original ha ido creciendo y evolucionando hasta llegar al momento presente en que la migración se ha convertido en la herramienta principal para aupar discursos xenófobos y proteccionistas generados con gran maestría por lo que, desde porCausa, hemos denominado la “franquicia del populismo antimigratorio”. Y las consecuencias de esta narrativa tienen su impronta en las políticas migratorias y el apoyo de cada vez más sectores de la opinión pública. 

Disponible en: 

Available at:

(ENGLISH report) Migration is not the cause of the rise of populism in Eu- rope. The causes lie deeper. However, the fact is: Migration has revealed or widened existing cleavages in and between the European societies. It is the catalyst, not the cause.

Report available here : 

(English report) State of Hate: Far-Right Extremism in Europe is a landmark report exploring the state of far-right extremism across Europe. It is a collaboration between three leading European anti-fascist research organisations – HOPE not hate Charitable Trust (UK), EXPO Foundation (Sweden) and Amadeu Antonio Foundation (Germany).

The report includes contributions from 34 leading scholars, researchers and activists from across the continent and 32 country profiles. The report includes an exclusive survey of 12,000 people across eight major European countries (Sweden, France, Germany, UK, Hungary, Poland and Italy), measuring attitudes toward immigration, minoritised communities, feminism and political disaffection.

Available at:

(English report) State of HATE 2022 – the leading annual report outlining the key trends and changes in the domestic and international far right – shows how the past year has led to an environment in which we will likely see the return of far right activists back on the streets, standing in elections and exploiting the uncertainties created by economic hardship.

After years in the political wilderness, the crises we’ve collectively faced over the past two years have emboldened cynical far right activists to exploit our fears and uncertainties and return to traditional methods of campaigning.

The report predicts that the growing unease in society could be exploited by far right extremists. Polling shows that 80% of people now have less disposable income than they did a year ago, and 68% now believe that Britain is ‘going in the wrong direction’.

State of HATE 2022 outlines ways in which the far right threat is now pervading all aspects of our society, but also the steps we can take to stop blatant far right rhetoric and conspiracy theories becoming part of normal discourse and prevent fascists and extremists from dividing our society.

Available at: